What am I doing?

 What am I doing?

Welcome to week 1 of learning to tap dance. This is such a fascinating sound to be able to create. Although, how come my feet don’t sound like theirs do in the videos or from the teacher? Their feet barely look like they’re moving, where as I am working up a sweat, is there something I’m missing? 

My teacher Stephany says “I have 30 years on you”, duly noted

The basic steps for this weeks lessons are toe taps, falaps, brushes, shuffles, and drawbacks. These basic steps are put together to make a bunch of combination sounds.  

Here we go…..

Obviously, the hardest part of this new skill is to make the sounds run together. Some sounds are easier, some, well….  Maybe not so easy. I have learned the basic steps and practiced a bit. Here is a video of my first week.  Maybe you want to try too? If so, reach out and lets compare our journey!


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