I DID IT! The final product

Can you believe it, its already been 6 weeks since the beginning of our journey together! In this weeks, there has been lots that has been learned.

 1. Tap isn't the easiest to learn in 6 weeks 
2. This is a skill that is mastered over time 
3. It's great to find a new skill for yourself and allow for the time and mistakes to happen 
4. No matter the outcome and what it looks like, you have taken and interest and set out to perform something great. 

Tapped into someone else's knowledge and learned from it It was a great experience to be able to study something new. Although it may sound good and look good, I do get frustrated not being able to perform like some that I see, In my head, I'm a super star! Then the recording comes and it sounds really different. Ha Ha Ha
I appreciated the time spent and hope you all enjoyed being able to see my journey, whether it be mastered or still of an amateur. Have a look at my final product and see what you can try too!

Happy Tapping!


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