
I DID IT! The final product

Can you believe it, its already been 6 weeks since the beginning of our journey together! In this weeks, there has been lots that has been learned.  1. Tap isn't the easiest to learn in 6 weeks  2. This is a skill that is mastered over time  3. It's great to find a new skill for yourself and allow for the time and mistakes to happen  4. No matter the outcome and what it looks like, you have taken and interest and set out to perform something great.  Tapped into someone else's knowledge and learned from it It was a great experience to be able to study something new. Although it may sound good and look good, I do get frustrated not being able to perform like some that I see, In my head, I'm a super star! Then the recording comes and it sounds really different. Ha Ha Ha I appreciated the time spent and hope you all enjoyed being able to see my journey, whether it be mastered or still of an amateur. Have a look at my final product and see what you can try too! Happy Tappin

New Adventures!

New Adventures! This week is all about making videos. Talk about uncomfortable. The journey of trying a new skill is one thing, watching yourself on video is another. Come with me and learn some basic steps on my journey.  I definitely found learning to tap is hard work. Who knew it made me break a sweat, no one signed up for that kind of work, right? In my week I have learned some moves to make some good sounds. I think I like being able to pound noises out on the floor! When I'm dancing, obviously I know I'm a beginner. Although, in my head I'm a super star!! Anyone need me to teach them? HAHA Honestly, anyone can learn to dance, its just practice, and a little coordination. Thanks for coming along for the ride.

Some new research!

 Welcome Back! Glad you're wanting to keep up with me! Here is a little history of what I have been diving into including the links to find where I got them from, incase you're interested further. There is so much history behind the art of tap dancing from performance to personal growth, such as... Tap originated in the United States through the fusion of several ethnic percussive dances, primarily West African sacred and secular step dances ( gioube) and Scottish, Irish, and English clog dances, hornpipes, and jigs. I have found it quite interesting to dive into the history of the actual shoe as well. I'm amazed about he sounds that people are able to make with a piece of metal on the heel and toe of shoes. I think it would be awesome to go to a factory where they are made and to watch the process. Here's some shoe info: . Tap dance | Origin, History, Styles, & Facts | Britannica How to choose the right tap dancing shoes | DanceMaster NET   For beginning tap dancer

What am I doing?

  What am I doing? Welcome to week 1 of learning to tap dance. This is such a fascinating sound to be able to create. Although, how come my feet don’t sound like theirs do in the videos or from the teacher? Their feet barely look like they’re moving, where as I am working up a sweat, is there something I’m missing?  My teacher Stephany says “I have 30 years on you”, duly noted The basic steps for this weeks lessons are toe taps, falaps, brushes, shuffles, and drawbacks. These basic steps are put together to make a bunch of combination sounds.   Here we go….. Obviously, the hardest part of this new skill is to make the sounds run together. Some sounds are easier, some, well….  Maybe not so easy. I have learned the basic steps and practiced a bit. Here is a video of my first week.  Maybe you want to try too? If so, reach out and lets compare our journey!


WELCOME EVERYONE! This will be my first post in our 6 week long journey on "how to learn to tap dance" . This is a skill that has been used for many decades for entertainment across the world. The skill is performed with a pair of leather shoes and two metal taps, one on toe and one on the heel. The art of tap dancing is a skill that I have admired for a long time.  I have 2 daughters that are competitive dancers for their life and I have always loved watching them do this style. I had personally never learned to tap. Now that my eldest daughter owns a dance studio, this is the perfect time for me to learn to "shuffle ball chance" across the room. The motivation I have to learn is that maybe I can do a couple combos with them and maybe one day dance along side them.  There are a few basic steps in learning tap, that within the 6 week challenge, I should be able to master. The skill of learning to tap the toe and heel right after is not as easy as it looks, but I am